Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Attitude-Nature Analysis of Reformation Christianity Independent of Any Truth-Value Analysis

Just read "- - - - - - - - - - - - -: On (Punk Rock &) Modern Reformationism" and discovered that someone concisely verbalized a sentiment thrust upon me long ago, which lingers latent in my disposition toward what Miller calls "Reformation" Christianity.


  1. That's very insightful... From my current standpoint inside a church full of very reformed thinkers, I would have to agree. I will endeavor not to be that punk.

  2. garrett has his own blog now, if you want to link to that one instead of his 'joint' blog at skulldragging. it's at creative, huh?

  3. why did you delete your blog? too honest?

  4. I am going to spice it up a bit and then post it. And damper its vulnerability.

  5. Thanks for the mad props yo. I've been thinking along those lines for some time now and, for some reason, always came back to punk-protest rock analogy. I suppose the 'protest' in 'protestant' should be a good tip off in itself.


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