Fungi are bacteria.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Posted by
11:56 PM
Blog Label: The More You Know
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, December 20, 2007
Can a heretic be "saved"?
Some Statements of Faith Found in the Bible
Romans 10:9-10
Hebrews 11
Apostle's Creed
Nicene Creed
Chalcedonian Definition
Athanasian Creed
Chicago Statement on Biblical Innerancy
Posted by
4:11 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Friday, December 14, 2007
The Statue of Liberty's Feet: Ranking Well for Daily Trends
Posted by
1:08 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!These kids can see right through you, Ms. Clinton...
Posted by
11:18 AM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!I'm Convinced
Posted by
9:05 AM
Blog Label: Iraq
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, December 13, 2007
A Real Life Chat Excerpt
Me: nice
Me: how'd that feel?
Dan: um it felt well. I think I pulled my groin at some point.... it is always sore when I run
Dan: not a sharp pain, but a throbbing one
Posted by
12:21 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!RIGHT NOW
Posted by
11:34 AM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!What does the Statue of Liberty wear on her feet?
Posted by
8:43 AM
Blog Label: The More You Know
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Tuesday, December 11, 2007
How the Most Ultimate Marketing Campaign Can Kill Your Brand
I am a philosopher, aspiring to become a Philosopher. Like others esteeming the Analytic tradition, I am after the most ultimate statements ever. My tendency when putting together marketing campaigns is to start with the most ultimate desires a human could have, and work backwards, demonstrating why these can be obtained by X's, which can be obtained by Y's, which can be obtained by the product I am selling.
The problem with ultimate marketing campaigns is that they drown people and ultimately fail to communicate their originally intended messages. The reality is that benefits are 100% relative. Or, more specifically, perceived benefits (which are what people really buy) are literally 100% relative, like all perceptions (by definition).
There is no need to sell a computer geek on the idea that he needs a computer in order to make his life more efficient, and he needs your new efficiency-cultivating software in order to extend that goal. He already has or wants a computer, so meet him where he's at. Don't make your marketing campaign ultimate: make it contexual.
Posted by
9:31 PM
Blog Label: Marketing
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, December 6, 2007
How to Create HTML Definition Lists
tag, and list each term inside of <dt>these tags</dt>. Then list each definition inside of <dd>these tags</dd>. When you are finished, close your definition list with the </dl> tag.
These tags will turn this:
<dd>Search Engine Marketing</dd>
<dd>Search Engine Optimization</dd>
into this:
- Search Engine Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
Posted by
9:55 AM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!What does "WRT" mean?
- "with respect to"
Posted by
9:13 AM
Blog Label: The More You Know
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Wednesday, December 5, 2007
How to Disable Google Personalized Search
For example, if you go to Google and type in "types of logical evidence" (incidentally, the query for which my short post overviewing types of logical evidence, is served as the #1 result at the moment), the URL for the page containing your search results (SERPS) will be something like: There is a possibility that aside from collecting information about your browser, location, and your unicode format, Google is also biasing your results based on such information. At any rate, I like to keep things clean, so I delete all the unnecessary junk, and make my search URLs like the following: But these results are definitely biased based on my personal search history - Google just doesn't tell me in the URL. To make sure that this biasing is turned off, I add "&pws=0" to the end of the URL, making it:
This would be the URL I would email or link to, if I were to link to the SERPS for such a query. That way I know that the results will look the same, even for someone with a different search history than me, who might otherwise be served with results totally different than the ones I want him, or her, to see.
Posted by
9:39 AM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Christianity does islam better than Islam does islam.
True islam is fulfilled by true Christianity.
But I commend genuine Islamic humility, and the intense desire to submit to God that I see in my Muslim friends in America and overseas. If only our friends would research the truth about the prophet Isa al Masih!
Posted by
7:27 AM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Speed Up Your Mac: Two Easy, Free, Fast Ways
I just found out about Service Scrubber, a free (donation suggested) little App that lets you easily customize your Service menu (Finder > Services). I just ran this thing, and it is a true gem. I never used to use my Service menu, because it was crowded with junk I don't need or want. I mean honestly "Chinese Text Converter"? Like I am going to use that on a daily basis!
Posted by
7:15 AM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!The AM that Orange Was Colder Than Coeur d'Alene
Posted by
6:36 AM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Monday, December 3, 2007
Every Artist's Dream Mac (and it's not made by Apple - wait, what?), and the New Gadget That Will Make Post-Modern Readers Sell Their Entire Libraries
Amazon, the general store of the future, and the future is now, and Tomorrow Land is... today - because the 60's - nevermind. I don't want to spoil the surprise. Look, just came out with a handheld electronic book reader. "Big whoop", you might say, like I did. But the catch is that it is lightweight (like a book), about the size of a book (like a book), does NOT heat up (like a laptop), reflects light like paper (like a book - somehow), is always connected to the internet (unlike a book - a feature that Amazon pays for so you don't have to mess with fees), etc. It actually looks pretty cool - you are always connected so that as soon as you realize that you need to read Beowulf, you can click two buttons and in 10 minutes your time waiting in line for the People Mover can become scholarly, you Anglo-Saxon philologist, you. Anyway, don't take my word for it, check out Kindle.
Posted by
8:51 PM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!In the mail today,
Do I read every word of every MacLife I get? You bet.
Do I read every word of every Phil Christi I get? Not even close.
Does this suggest something about my intellect? I dunno.
Does this suggest something about my heart? Probably.
Posted by
8:38 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Church Planting: Solved
Posted by
11:05 AM
Blog Label: Missiology
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Detailed and Accessible Explanation of Why Mac OS X (especially Leopard) Blows Any and All Windows OS's Out of the Cosmos
Posted by
9:53 AM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Monday, November 26, 2007
How Google Assembles Each Search Result
The Anatomy of a Search Snippet
Posted by
9:17 PM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Saturday, November 24, 2007
4 Observations of the Church in Acts
Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution. And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, “It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty.I notice 4 things about this passage.
1. The most obvious is the Apostolic recognition of the principle that preaching God's word is a non-negotiable for those to whom such a duty is entrusted.
2. The next is that serving, especially the needy, is also a must.
3. The third is that division of labor regarding these matters was embraced.
4. But the fourth thing I notice about this is change. This early local church was doing things one way, and when something came to their attention, they changed, and began doing things a new way, according to the principles that they all agreed upon. What got them to where they were wasn't sufficient to move them forward.
QUESTION: Which of these four observations is to be emulated, if not all? Why?
Posted by
11:11 AM
Blog Label: Church Government
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday's Things to be Thankful For
Posted by
8:35 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!How to Tell if it is 10 Degrees or Less
Posted by
7:32 PM
Blog Label: The More You Know
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, November 22, 2007
10 Things I Learned While Hunting on Thanksgiving
I woke up at around 4:30am. I accompanied my father-in-law Jeff, brother-in-law Ryan. and (step?) brother-in-law Michael on a hunting trip. Mike shot a 4x4 white tail deer with a rifle. I saw it gutted, skinned, and decapitated.
10 Things I learned:
1. It is important to step softly
2. Don't make any noise while tracking deer
3. You can learn a lot from deer and elk tracks
4. Their is utility in stepping in coyote urine
5. It is imperative to not make noise while walking
6. Shhh!
7. Always hunt with the wind in your face
8. Don't move
9. Don't make noise
10. All about bullets
On a related note, an entry from this blog is #1 in Google for the query "types of logical evidence". It doesn't take much to rank for philosophical posts I guess. I should capitalize on that somehow.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Monday, November 19, 2007
Has the US military presence in Iraq brought a net benefit to the world?
I have shifted toward agnosticism regarding so many of the issues related to our military presence in Iraq (I opt for neutral terms like "military presence" over emotionally charged terms like "invasion" or its rival, "liberation"). Moreover, I admit to ignorance and therefore agnosticism about way more political issues than philosophical issues (and wisdom encourages a precautionary neutrality regarding most philosophical quandaries).
I do admit to a few key opinions, however. Such include a tentative commitment to the specific proposition: if we completely and abruptly withdrawal our military presence from Iraq, then more harm will be done than prevented.
I am interested in hearing from my readers about matters related to the military action against terrorists primarily and geographically taking place in Iraq.
Comment on whether sending forces into the country was a good idea, and whether the matter has been handled properly since the decision. What would you have done differently?
I promise not to strip your comment out of its context and cite in an inflammatory post meant to undermine the greater political position of which each comment represents a part. But I reserve the right to make my own reaction known, with earnestly attempted humility and rhetorical clarity.
Posted by
4:45 PM
Blog Label: Iraq
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Keep OS X Applications Up to Date
Posted by
4:05 PM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Sunday, November 18, 2007
Abortion and Torture: Call it Both Ways
Think about it the following way. What are the possible major effects of rape? I assert 1. physical harm, 2. emotional harm, and 3. an unwanted pregnancy. Now imagine a woman is dealt these things another way: a man assaults her on the street, thereby causing physical and emotional damage, and then he places his own newborn infant in her arms and leaves. Is it morally acceptible for that woman to kill that baby, since she doesn't want it, and was wronged in the process of receiving it?
If you say no, and it is true that a fetus at a certain time is a human person, then it is morally reprehensible for even a rape victim to abort her fetus at such time (what would be the difference between the woman who killed the unwanted baby and the woman who killed the unwanted baby inside her?). The circumstances don't alter the morality of something that is inherently, fundamentally evil (that is, if and only if there is a such thing as "persons", and "morality", and the aborted fetus was in fact a person at the time of its death).
But what does this have to do with torture? Here is the crux of my comparison: if an "interrogation technique" is inherently, fundamentally morally wrong then the circumstances cannot change that fact.
It doesn't matter who did what. If a behavior or intention is inherently wrong, then it is wrong. I am not claiming anything too revolutionary here - I am simply calling for logical coherency.
I call our Executive branch to transparency (at the very least to its Congress) regarding its interrogation techniques. Some entity other than the one carrying out the interrogations needs to thoroughly evaluate each and every practice and properly decide whether each constitutes a behavior that is inherently morally wrong. And such a conclusion ought to be relevant, precise, concise, clear, complete, and actually binding.
Watch this informational waterboarding video <--click there.
Posted by
10:19 PM
Blog Label: Abortion, Interrogation
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Coveting in Costco
Posted by
10:11 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Friday, November 16, 2007
Uber-Cheap PC With a Catch
Posted by
12:01 PM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, November 15, 2007
OnyX and Chax Leopard Betas
Posted by
7:21 PM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What is "Ontology"?
Does X exist?
What does it mean for X to "exist"?
What is the being of X like?
There is a lot of rich discourse questioning whether one should include the nature of numbers or moral facts in one's "ontology". What else should be included in one's ontology, and how ontological inquiry should be gone about is also the topic of much debate.
ontology |änˈtäləjē|Further reading:
the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.
ontological |ˌäntəˈläjikəl| |ˈɑntəˈlɑdʒəkəl| |ˈɔntəˈlɑdʒəkəl| |-təˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l| adjective
ontologically |ˌäntəˈläjik(ə)lē| |ˈɑntəˈlɑdʒək(ə)li| |ˈɔntəˈlɑdʒək(ə)li| |-təˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)li| adverb
ontologist |-jist| |ɑnˈtɑlədʒəst| |ɔnˈtɑlədʒəst| noun
ORIGIN early 18th cent.: from modern Latin ontologia, from Greek ōn, ont- ‘being’ + -logy .
-Oxford American Dictionary
Logic and Ontology (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Ontology - Wikipedia
Posted by
10:48 AM
Blog Label: Foundations
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Second Amendment
You see, we already regulate arms. Now we are just arguing over where to draw the line.
If you really want to say that any and all gun control is unconstitutional, you have to be willing to allow me to purchase an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. And don't think I won't.
All I ask for is logical coherency.
Posted by
2:17 PM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!An Easy Writing Tip
Posted by
2:01 PM
Blog Label: Rhetoric
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Monday, November 12, 2007
Motivational Posters for the Emerging...

Posted by
1:29 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Smaller Governments
Posted by
1:24 PM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Democracy
Posted by
1:23 PM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!An Attempt at Autonomy
This morning I got up at 6am, with the hope of cycling the entire circumference of Hayden Lake. I did, but it was much farther and colder than I thought. 36 miles. Up and down significant hills (I can tell you from experience that this is a more challenging course than the Coeur d'Alene Triathlon bike course). Below 4o degrees Fahrenheit. And it rained on the tail end of my trek (I am lucky it didn't snow).
I saw a good number of horses, but no deer. However on a former bike ride through the hills by Coeur d'Alene Lake, I saw three distinct wild deer.
I finished at 10am (I started at 7am, as planned), and I was hungry enough to eat a second breakfast ("I am a Hobbit in all but size"), and that's why I am taking a late lunch and posting this after 1pm.
Fascinating, I know.
Posted by
1:02 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Friday, November 9, 2007
How to Reform Education the Right-Wing Way
Conservatives say they want to improve the quality of education in America. To achieve this however, our conservative federal government has only further tampered with the system and created more problems than they solved.
I prefer the right-wing way. Instead of threading tax money through the offices in Washington DC, which only sends it back down to schools with strings attached, we should short-circuit the process by letting each state control its own education system. Why not let states and local representatives decide how best to use funds to increase their own community's academic achievement?
Exercise: Read the 10th amendment to the document literally constituting the United States of America. Then search for the word "education" in it.
But it's not just that the constitution reserves the power of education for the states and the people, it's that there is a good reason it does so.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Blog Label: Education
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!G Funk
Posted by
9:03 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, November 8, 2007
My Dad's One Liners: Vol. 1, Idealism
Which is more idealistic: communism or capitalism?To which he replied,
That's like asking "which is more of a fruit: an apple, or an orange?"
Posted by
9:33 AM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mac (+ PC) Bible Software
It basically comes down to this: Bible Desktop is the best free application, and Quickverse Bible Study White Box for Mac
Free Online Bible Study Tools (Mac + PC):
Bible.orgFree (mostly) Mac Bible Software:
This site has Bible study tools, Bible search tools, theological essays, lesson helps, and more. It is also home of the New English Translation, or "NET" Bible: a brand new, ground-up translation available for searching, printing and distributing at no charge.
This is primarily a Bible keyword search and passage lookup tool. It is fast and easy to look up and link to individual passages.
Unbound Bible
This is an excellent Bible search tool, which enables you to perform a little bit more complex queries. There are also schedules for you to read through the Bible in a year, and some other related Bible study tools.
This is the "e4" group's free software website. They give away a lot of free CD's, but request modest donations. You can also simply purchase their software and it's extensions. The software not only provides a platform for Bible study, but for searching and studying other great works by strong historical and contemporary Christian authors. As far as I know, their program and it's modules are only available for PC, but it is worth mentioning for those MacUsers running Boot Camp, VMWare Fusion, or Parallels.
Aside from these search and study tools, you can look up trusted names to get access to some pretty good resources. For example, John Piper's site,, has a wealth of insightful and accessible tools, sermons, lesson helps, podcasts, links, and videos.
Bible Reader (Mac)Bible Software For Sale:
This is an application that you can download for free, along with several (admittedly archaic and obscure) Bible translations. The benefit to this is that you can perform word and passage searches while offline.
MacSword (Mac)
This is the Mac equivalent of PC's eSword. It is another free application that can search free Bible translation downloads. The selection is quite a bit better than Bible Reader's, and it includes lexicons, lessons, concordances, and more (even foreign language Bibles). There are also some premium modules available for purchase.
Bible Desktop (Mac)
This platform reads "Sword" project modules, like eSword and MacSword. It's also free. Of all the free Mac bible applications, I like this one the best, mostly because of the interface, and also because of the convenience of finding and installing modules.
Bible Time (Linux)
This is a Linux Sword Project module reader.
You can find some other information about some of these programs here.
Logos (Mac [coming soon] + PC)
Logos needs no introduction. It is probably the most powerful and widely used Bible study software. This bad boy is a behemoth. Apparently they are working on a Mac version.
Bible Works (Mac? + PC)
This is a respected Bible study program (probably second only to Logos), which is apparently only available for PC's (let me know if I am wrong). But again, worth mentioning for you MacUser's running Windows (or you PC owners out there - I don't expect you to name yourselves, you fiends).
Accordance(Mac + PC)
This is a powerful alternative to Logos and Bible Works, and it includes tools for studying the original language, commentaries, searches, and other study tools. It is available for Mac.
GramCord (Mac? + PC)
This looks like a tool primarily for Hebrew and Greek scholars. However it appears as though it would be hugely beneficial for us regular folk, too. I've heard that it is either originally for Mac, and/or that the Mac version is actually better than the PC version, but I can't sort things out by browsing their website. I can't even really tell whether a Mac version still exists. Let me know if you know anything about GramCord for Mac.
iLumina(Mac + PC?)
This looks like a very interesting study tool, including a lot of the standard features with one major exception: it is animated. The site is at least worth a look. And it is available for Mac.
Quickverse(Mac + PC?)
While I have used MacSword in the past, and I have downloaded other free tools, this is the Mac bible software I would eventually like to own personally. The price is fair, it looks pretty powerful and intuitive to operate, and it is fully native and Universal Binary. QuickVerse basically looks like the only full-blown Mac bible software available for purchase and decently priced. The Gold Version of QuickVerse Bible for Maclooks like the best choice for the really serious layman.
Posted by
8:23 AM
Blog Label: Mac Bible Software, Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Tuesday, November 6, 2007
No Rule Has an Exception
Last night a similar thought dawned on me.
It is wrong to say that something is "the exception, not the rule". You just have a bad rule.
Posted by
8:55 AM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Why hasn't there been a GPhone announcement?
Posted by
8:51 AM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Sunday, November 4, 2007
Abortion: Acceptable or Reprehensible?
The question is... whether the fetus... is a human person, and when it becomes one.It seems to me that if a fetus at a given time is a human person, then at such time it is morally reprehensible to end its life. Doing so is literally the same thing as murdering an infant.
- Garry Wills
However, if a fetus at a given time is not a human person, then it is morally acceptable to remove it, thereby ending its growth. This would be just like clipping fingernails or getting a haircut - or rather, like removing a cyst inside a woman's abdomen.
If you truly believe that a fetus becomes a human person at conception, then you have to be willing to recognize that your view entails that women who get abortions are having their babies killed, and that doctors who perform abortions are murdering infants. As one who has made up his mind in this way, Don Johnson says,
...if it is proper to punish people for hiring someone to commit murder, than it is proper to punish mothers for hiring someone to kill their babies. To do any less is demeaning to women.On the other hand, if you truly believe that fetuses do not become human persons until a particular point, you should then talk accordingly. To articulate this point, a man who concurs with Don Johnson, comments on a recent episode of "The View":
- Don Johnson
...Goldberg's assertion that few women want to have an abortion flies in the face of the reality that nearly 50 million children have been aborted since the Roe decision in 1973.If you are committed to the proposition that a fetus at a given time is not a human person, then you ought not refer to its carrier as a "mother", or assert that the decision whether to abort it is difficult. You cannot treat crimes that end such a fetus' growth as "murder".
But Goldberg's self-serving declaration that women who choose to have an abortion deserve our reverence takes the cake. Abortion champions have never been able to explain why they believe abortions should be rare if the unborn is not a human life, or even a "potential" life. If we're dealing merely with an unviable tissue mass, why is the decision to remove it "the hardest decision that a woman ever has to make"?
Either it isn't a life or potential life, which renders the decision no more difficult than that to remove a suspicious mole, or it is, which makes abortion absolutely unpraiseworthy and worse. But in our upside culture, we are not only forbidden to condemn such actions in willful blindness to their moral content but exhorted to celebrate those who engage in them. The unreasonableness of the liberal position is further exposed by reference to singer Barry Manilow's recent cancellation of an appearance on "The View" when the producers wouldn't accede to his demand to remove Hasselbeck from the set because he found her views "dangerous" and "offensive." What possible danger do Hasselbeck's views -- as opposed to Goldberg's and Manilow's -- represent to anyone? Once again, we see liberal "tolerance" on display.
- David Limbaugh
Listen to this:
FOURTH-year medical student Megan Lederer recently helped deliver a premature baby at barely six months gestation. The newborn was tiny, unimaginably fragile, but she survived.Given the belief in persons, morality, and the evil of murder, the moral acceptability or reprehensibility of abortion hinges on whether and when a fetus is a person.
Caught up in the moment, Lederer didn't think about the implication for her chosen career. Later, though, she wondered: Could I have aborted that pregnancy?
- Stephanie Simon
Posted by
10:23 PM
Blog Label: Abortion
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Two Tiers and Two Domains of Philosophy
The first tier of philosophy is one that everyone should work hard to stay on: simple, clear thinking.
The second tier of philosophy is professional; some men choose to spend their lives dedicated to learning how to think, thinking, and teaching others how to think. Professional philosophy usually involves specialized jargon, to facilitate precision and speedy discussion.
The first domain of philosophy is “a priori”. This means of reasoning is built on pure thinking, without any observation. A priori arguments apply clear analysis to thoughts that can be found without inspection of the external world (for example, “2+2=4”, and “I exist”).
The second domain of philosophy is “a posteriori”. This means of reasoning is built on observation. A posteriori arguments apply clear analysis to data gathered by inspection of the external world (for example, “a man named Thomas existed in the first century and was convinced that he had seen Jesus alive, after Jesus had died”, and “at 5:07 PM, on August 26th, 2007, it was 71 degrees Fahrenheit inside Java on Sherman, in downtown Coeur d’Alene, Idaho”).
Posted by
10:16 AM
Blog Label: Foundations
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Wednesday, October 31, 2007
One Word
Posted by
12:42 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!A Summary of the Tentative Conclusions I Made From My Climate Research
1. Has the globe been heating up?
The mean global temperature has risen a bit over the last 120 years, but it is still about 16 degrees Celsius.
We aren't entirely certain of exactly how much it has risen.
We aren't entirely certain of the exact timeline associated with this.
We aren't entirely certain of what the relevant timeline to look at is.
2. What are the causes of this?
The causes are primarily natural.
The primary natural cause is the sun.
Natural atmospheric carbon dioxide plays a marginal role.
There are also causes associated with human activity.
The primary human cause is the creation of urban areas that heat their immediate surroundings.
Another human cause is local deforestation.
Human generated atmospheric carbon dioxide plays a marginal role.
3. Will the globe continue to do so?
We aren't entirely certain exactly how much.
We aren't entirely certain of the exact timeline associated with this.
4. What will be the effects of this?
The warming trend will bring environmental and societal gains and losses, but will likely bring a net minor benefit to the globe as a whole.
The sea level might rise a couple of inches in places.
If the Antarctic trend continues, the continent will have significantly more ice 100 years from now, and Antarctica contains 99% of the world's ice, so a net rise in sea level is unlikely.
Canada, Scandinavia, Russia, and Alaska might gain a centimeter of useable latitude.
My Dad might sell one more air conditioning unit over the course of the century.
5. Is there a scientific consensus on this?
It seems that most scientists agree that the globe is warming due to natural and human related causes, including solar variations and the Urban Heat Island Effect. Most scientists agree that CO2 has some effect. Most scientists agree that atmospheric CO2 is increasing.
Though there is legitimate disagreement about a lot issues related to these things, such as how much warming will likely occur, how much of an impact human generated atmospheric CO2 can have, and whether a little warming will be bad.
Many scientists, even Global Warming theorists, agree that the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is largely influenced by the mean global temperature, and not the other way around.
There is a decently large intergovernmental consensus on the necessity for alarm.
6. How should we proceed?
We should mitigate genuine pollution.
We should study the climate.
We should blind scientists to their funding.
We should invest in the developing world.
We should encourage a free exchange of ideas.
We should continue to perform and esteem peer review.
We should rethink how we patronize our news sources.
We should not worry about CO2 emissions.
We should hold politicians accountable for their claims.
We should require transparency of all our authorities on all subjects.
7. Should we ratify Kyoto?
No, nor anything similar.
8. Do you have any other notes?
Al Gore is a fraud by anyone's standards.
Check out this clip:
Casual propagation of the major claims of the Global Warming theorists only serves to further convince the general public that there is reason to prevent the developing world from developing, purchase carbon credits that will likely line the pockets of the biggest carbon emitters in society, initiate unnecessary policies that will stifle the economy, and split prizes with politicians who get criticized even by Global Warming theorists.
It is very difficult to accurately record temperatures long-term or worldwide. It is also extremely difficult to measure sea level (which makes sense). We should distinguish between local weather patterns and long-term global trends. Global climate is non-linear and chaotic, in the technical sense of the term. Correlation does not imply causation.
There is propaganda, bias, and corruption in both major camps.
Brush your teeth. Feed the poor. Recycle. Think critically about how to study and manage the environment. Invest in science. Rebel against censorship. Love humans. Be a good citizen. Write to local newspapers and congressmen. Enjoy public beaches and natural foods.
Also, instead of using inflammatory terms like "Global Warming alarmists" and "Global Warming deniers", we should opt for more neutral terms like "Global Warming theorists", and "Global Warming skeptics" where possible.
Further Reading:
Climate Skeptic
Global Warming
If you want to be really fair and balanced, you should really read what the critics of any survey or argument say about it. Then hunt down the original source's response, and continue oscillating until you get to the end of the published conversation. But don't assume that the guy who got the last word in has everything right. Examine the data and weigh the testimonies. Then, don't stand by your conclusions if new evidence pops up that seems to undermine your original conclusions. Investigate it. Godspeed and good luck.
Parting Remarks:
While we should recycle and generally study and care for the environment, we shouldn't buy Kyoto, carbon credits, or anything like them.
Posted by
9:02 AM
Blog Label: Global Warming
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Rhetorical Values List: First Draft
1. Relevance
2. Accuracy
3. Precision
4. Concision
5. Clarity
6. Completeness
7. Eloquence
What do you think? Do any of the values overlap unnecessarily? Are any less than ideal? Are any missing?
Posted by
12:20 PM
Blog Label: Rhetoric
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Propaganda: A Case Study alarming new study finds that carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere faster than expected.Now, it may be true that such a study was conducted, and that carbon dioxide is in fact increasing in the atmosphere, and at an unexpected speed.
But publishing such information implies that it's relevant.
Posted by
8:11 AM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Setting the Record Straight on Propaganda
The other day my friend, whose preferred candidate is Ron Paul, sent me an email entitled "Ron Paul Propaganda". In it were a series of links to videos and websites in support of Ron Paul. It was merely descriptive, but it helps to keep things in perspective.
Posted by
8:10 AM
Blog Label: The More You Know
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Monday, October 29, 2007
Fill out this Climate Change survey today!
Answer as many or as few of the following questions as you want to, and feel free to add your own:
1. Has the globe been heating up?
2. What are the causes of this?
3. Will the globe continue to do so?
4. What will be the effects of this?
5. Is there a scientific consensus on this?
6. How should we proceed?
7. Should we ratify Kyoto?
8. Do you have any other notes?
Posted by
4:23 PM
Blog Label: Global Warming
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Sunday, October 28, 2007
Blog Directories
Posted by
10:23 AM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Climate Consensus, Part II: Falsity [UPDATED]
Status: False (but irrelevant).
Origin: Science apparently presented the first empirical evidence in support of a unanimous consensus on the major issues of Global Warming:
...That hypothesis was tested by analyzing 928 abstracts, published in refereed scientific journals between 1993 and 2003, and listed in the ISI database with the keywords "climate change" (9).That's pretty convincing. But there are problems with Naomi's study. And the good news is that even you can duplicate the study that undermines it:
The 928 papers were divided into six categories: explicit endorsement of the consensus position, evaluation of impacts, mitigation proposals, methods, paleoclimate analysis, and rejection of the consensus position. Of all the papers, 75% fell into the first three categories, either explicitly or implicitly accepting the consensus view; 25% dealt with methods or paleoclimate, taking no position on current anthropogenic climate change. Remarkably, none of the papers disagreed with the consensus position.
-Naomi Oreskes, BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change
Oreskes claims to have analysed 928 abstracts she found listed on the ISI database using the keywords "climate change". However, a search on the ISI database using the keywords "climate change" for the years 1993 - 2003 reveals that almost 12,000 papers were published during the decade in question (2). What happened to the countless research papers that show that global temperatures were similar or even higher during the Holocene Climate Optimum and the Medieval Warm Period when atmospheric CO2 levels were much lower than today; that solar variability is a key driver of recent climate change, and that climate modeling is highly uncertain?Hence the importance of peer review in the first place, I guess.
These objections were put to Oreskes by science writer David Appell. On 15 December 2004, she admitted that there was indeed a serious mistake in her Science essay. According to Oreskes, her study was not based on the keywords "climate change," but on "global climate change" (3)...
Since the results looked questionable, I decided to replicate the Oreskes study.
I analysed all abstracts listed on the ISI databank for 1993 to 2003 using the same keywords ("global climate change") as the Oreskes study. Of the 1247 documents listed, only 1117 included abstracts (130 listed only titles, author(s)' details and keywords). The 1117 abstracts analysed were divided into the same six categories used by Oreskes (#1-6), plus two categories which I added (# 7, 8):...
7. natural factors of global climate change
8. unrelated to the question of recent global climate change
The results of my analysis contradict Oreskes' findings and essentially falsify her study:
Of all 1117 abstracts, only 13 (or 1%) explicitly endorse the 'consensus view'...
This is not to deny that there is a majority of publications that, although they do not empirically test or confirm the view of anthropogenic climate change, go along with it by applying models based on its basic assumptions. Yet, it is beyond doubt that a sound and unbiased analysis of the full ISI databank will find hundreds of papers (many of which were written by the world's leading experts in the field) that have raised serious reservations and outright rejection of the concept of a "scientific consensus on climate change". The truth is, that there is no such thing!
- Dr. Benny Peiser The letter Science Magazine refused to publish
Dr. Peiser's personal webpage can be found here.
Fair enough. You might think. But I am sure that the few, proud leading climate physicists are convinced of the major claims of Global Warming. Au contraire. Let's examine two case studies: Claude Allegre and Richard Lindzen.
Here's the deal with Allegre:
Claude Allegre, a former government official and an active member of France’s Socialist Party, wrote an editorial on September 21, 2006 in the French newspaper L'Express titled “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (For English Translation, click here) detailing his newfound skepticism about manmade global warming (click here). Allegre wrote that the “cause of climate change remains unknown” and pointed out that Kilimanjaro is not losing snow due to global warming, but to local land use and precipitation changes. Allegre also pointed out that studies show that Antarctic snowfall rate has been stable over the past 30 years and the continent is actually gaining ice...Richard Lindzen is a climate physicist at MIT, and has been studying climate for over 40 years. He even wrote one of the chapters in one of the IPCC's very own reports. While concurring with a lot of the claims of Global Warming theorists, such as that the earth has been warming, and human generated carbon dioxide has been increasing in the atmosphere,
- U. S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
he parts company with the IPCC [regarding] the extent to which this increasing concentration can cause warming, or in other words, how much man is influencing the climate.Regarding the IPCC report itself, Lindzen
does believe that this was well carried out and resulted in statements that were couched in suitably uncertain terms. However, he objects to the way that this document was then used to prepare the summary for policy makers, a process that involved people from government, industry and environmental organizations as well as scientists. If that was not bad enough, he says, the summary for policy makers was then further stripped down by the press, eager for a good story, and politicians, keen to play up the significance of the report as much as possible in order, as he says, to "co-opt the authority of scientists".Why do they do it then? Why do reporters and politicians continuously claim that there is an overwhelming scientific consensus regarding the major issues of Global Warming? If I were trying to convict the media of murder, I would need to sell the you on a motive.
Lindzen, however, reserves his greatest wrath for scientists who are not climate-research specialists but who, as he sees it, try to exploit their authority in the climate-change debate. For these people, he says, there is a "special place in hell".
- Edwin Cartlidge, A climate of alarm.
I don't want to demonize those who disagree with me.
Instead I will say that in light of the evidence, the necessity for the media to sell the jury on an alibi should be much more pressing.
Posted by
1:02 PM
Blog Label: Global Warming
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Friday, October 26, 2007
The Climate Consensus, Part I: Irrelevance [UPDATED]
Status: Irrelevant (but false).
Origin: The first empirical evidence in support of a unanimous consensus on the major claims of Global Warming is discussed in Part II of this discussion. But it's propagated by the general public, as well as many Global Warming theorists themselves.
In a comment at the bottom of the above linked article, a Global Warming theorist named Eric himself says
...I would emphasize the general point that it is important to separate the question of the existence of a consensus from the question of the correctness of that consensus...Then why do Global Warming theorists continually bring up the "consensus"? The scientific consensus used to be that the world was flat until the correctness of that consensus was challenged. Plate Tectonics and the Continental Drift theory were revolutionary at the time they were proposed. Darwin's theory of the origin of species by the means of Natural Selection rebutted the general scientific consensus of Spontaneous Generation at the time. Ptolemaic Astronomy was supplanted by Copernican Astronomy, as Newtonian Gravity was by Einsteinian Relativity. Somehow it turned out that Euclid was wrong.
We should be about examining the correctness of each scientific consensus. This is exactly what scientists do, and they love it when they're proved wrong, because their lives are committed to the evidence and they go where it leads.
I will answer my own question: The reason people keep citing the "consensus" is because the majority of people trust that the scientific zeitgeist is basically trustworthy.
And that's pretty much as it should be.
I don't expect every man to be a scientist for a living. Division of labor and specialization build efficient societies.
But the trust of the general public is easy to exploit, whether intentionally. Scientists aren't always unbiased. Politicians are rarely unbiased. Logically possible explanations of data sets aren't all always thoroughly analyzed. Findings aren't always presented in a straightforward manner. And overarching paradigms often govern research unchecked for years, decades, or sometimes centuries before being overturned. And that's just how life and science go.
I am not trying to cast doubt on the scientific method. Absolutely nothing could be any further from the truth. It's just the opposite:
Science is about testing hypotheses and eventually tentatively accepting a theory as an explanation and description of a wide class of phenomena and using it to make falsifiable predictions about the future. But, as one of 20th century's greatest astrophysicists, Stephen Hawking says
...any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis; you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation which disagrees with the predictions of the theory...It's perfectly acceptable to basically trust the overarching scientific paradigm of the day. But we should never, ever, censor the revolutionaries.
- Stephen Hawing, A Brief History of Time
Revolution is built-in to the very heart of science.
It's helpful to investigate highly politicized and lucrative issues such as Global Warming.
Like smoking:
THE largest ever cardiology study has failed to find a link between heart attacks and the classic risk factors, such as smoking...Of course smoking damages your health. Everyone knows that.
- Aisling Irwin, Science Correspondent, Study casts doubt on heart 'risk factors'
And yet, this 501(c)3 organization, to whom your donations are tax deductible, is committed to unbiased scientific research:
...FORCES is an organization in support of scientific integrity and the use of appropriate scientific methodology in the science which is claimed to be at the foundation of public policy.But there is a reason why this organization exists:
FORCES International is an organisation in support of... the defence of those who expect... to smoke, eat, drink and, in general, to enjoy personal lifestyle choices without restrictions and state interference.Everybody has an agenda.
- FORCES International, Who We Are
Our Global Warming theorist Eric goes on in his comment to say:
Those who wish to argue the consensus is wrong would do better to find convincing ways to disprove the consensus view (which will be very hard to do, but we will all praise you as a great scientist if you succeed), rather than fruitless attempts to disprove the existence of the consensus itself (which will be impossible).And I agree. But the reverse holds true as well. Those who wish to argue the "consensus" is correct would do better to demonstrate that the "consensus" is in fact correct, rather than repeatedly insisting that it exists.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Blog Label: Global Warming
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!A Second Defense [UPDATED]
Fris spoke to Crichton's book The State of Fear as... Crichton's speech's position... is based on the same information.Fair enough.
The review... is... an examination of the information... The point of the review is that Crichton has cherry picked facts... This is what the article's author Chris Mooney's question "but are they?", in response to The State of Fear's epigraph saying it's footnotes are real, was in reference to.This is a fair representation of the article's point. And it's true that Crichton pulls facts out of their contexts.
That Crichton uses facts provided by legitimate scientists out of context validates only his facility for spin.
But the context of a fact doesn't have anything to do with whether the fact is true or false.
There are two components to an argument: its premises and its logic. If the premises are true and the reasoning is "valid", then the argument is "sound" and its conclusion is therefore true.
Since Crichton uses facts that are granted even by his opponents, we can generally accept them and move our attention to Crichton's reasoning.
If his facts are cherry picked and spun, it should be easy to demonstrate the fallacy in his argument. So why not do it?
A compelling criticism of Crichton's novel would have been an undermining defeater of his logical analysis of the facts, rather than a shameless red herring.
Another way to critique Crichton would be to present a rebutting defeater of his argument, by furnishing even stronger evidence for a conclusion that is contradictory to his.
The review attempts neither. It simply calls attention to the fact that Crichton's opponents, who provided Crichton's very premises, happen to maintain different conclusions. I am still in search of the reasons why they hold such positions. I already know that they do.
Fris cited... the REFERENCES in the "Literary significance and criticism" section of the Wikipedia entry... [which was] more efficient...Fair enough. Honestly, I do not mean to be antagonistic - I'm sorry if I come off that way. I do appreciate interaction and I am thankful for commentary on my blog.
Fris mentioned his discussions with his science minded friends conversationally as one reason he is not himself a climate skeptic. He did not realize his anecdote would be treated as sworn testimony and cross examined. As Fris sipped his coffee and hunt and pecked his keyboard, he knew neither that he was trying to persuade or that hearsay wouldn't be accepted to that end. This is probably why he began his closing paragraph with, "My feeling is that...", and not "One must conclude that...".Again, fair enough. I don't mean to drag Fris into an argument he does not intend to have himself dragged into. Again, I am genuinely thankful for the interaction.
I would like to provide the caveat that casual propagation of the major claims of the Global Warming theorists only serves to further convince the general public that there is reason to panic, direct major funding toward the mitigation of carbon emissions instead of toward the developing world, prevent the developing world from developing so that they don't "pollute" the atmosphere with carbon dioxide like us, purchase carbon credits that will likely line the pockets of the biggest carbon emitters in society, initiate unnecessary policies that will stifle the economy, split million dollar peace prizes with politicians who get criticized even by Global Warming theorists, and support such politicians whose campaigns are based on the speculated state of a world 3-9 degrees warmer 100 years from now (an issue they conveniently can't be proved wrong about in their lifetimes) instead of on major issues in the here and now.
Don't get me wrong, I hate real pollution. My wife and I recycle. A lot. The Virtuous Consumer is my wife's favorite book. We ride our bikes. We buy local, organic, and fair trade. But if a policy comes at a severe cost and it's based on a false belief, then we should say "no thank-you". I would be more than willing to fund and legislate up the wazoo to mitigate a genuine "looming catastrophe".
Lastly, I appreciate the link to Fris' friend's blog. I read every post on Global Warming, and it was very informational. The blog as a whole is pretty cool too.
Posted by
4:49 PM
Blog Label: Global Warming
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Anybody?
You know what... you know what I love to do? I love to write muuuuusickkk when I've had a couple glasses of wineWhat the heck is "hoarfrost"?
- Inspired by Paul Teves
Posted by
4:03 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Court-Sanctioned, Forceful Conversion of Catholic "Cultists"
number 2 non-profit cult-watch service supporting the Mid-Missouri Area.Fair enough. But what kind of cults are they watching for? The site lists three: Devotants of Mahlegeth (the link to whose information page is blocked by my filter), Scientology, and Catholicism.
Catholicism? You might be thinking. Yep. On their page providing
knowledge and common senseto
parents, educators, and clergyin order to
help stop cults in their tracks!they give a pretty decent summary of the history of the major branches of Christianity, and a basic summary of Roman Catholic distinctives.
But here's what got me. Guess what they do once they find a teen caught up in the "cult" of Catholicism?
There are five steps.
Extraction is the process of physically removing the "subject" from the cult environment. The group admits that
often... the brainwashing of the cult is too strong and the extraction process has to be confrontational and forcible.But wait - isn't it illegal to kidnap a teen? Isn't religious freedom like, protected under the constitution? Apparently this extraction is carried out with the consent of the county...
the BCCW Deprogramming squad will legally obtain a detention warrant from the Boone County Municipal CourtBut what if the Catholic teen resists? Don't worry, they've got that covered too:
"Armed Evangelicals" are liscened bondsmen who have the legal authority to carry both non-lethal and lethal enforcement aides to carry out the court-sanctioned detention warrant.After they abduct the Catholic teen, the subject is escorted to the "compound", which
is legally registered as a mental health facility and the subject is legally bound to remain in treatment until we find him "emotionally fit for societal integration"The treatment includes the following four steps.
In order to make it clear to the subject that their actions were wrong, the BCCW is
fully certified to use the following techniques: councilling, group therapy, peer therapy, meditation, hypnosis, drug therapy, shock therapy, therapeutic food/sleep deprivation, and regression therapy.So they drug, hypnotize, shock, and deprive the subject of food and sleep until his or her "will is broken".
The subject is academically trained on how a "normal society should operate". Topics of study include American History and Spiritual Guidance.
The subject is then trained on how to "become an ideal citizen". They are given "more privacy", allowed to run small errands, and allowed to make friends with anyone the BCCW allows through their screening.
I will just cut and paste this part, since it really is unbelievable:
...once the subject has been re-educated and re-integratred into society we can then save their soul. We will not release anyone from our program until they complete all five stages. As a certified mental health facility Missouri state law ensures that no one leaves our care unless we release them as "mentally sound" or by a court ordered release.In order to take action against this organization, I decided to investigate further. But they are difficult to track down.
Their website is hosted by GeoCities, so their domain registration information isn't helpful. They list no contact information other than a Yahoo email address, and a Google search for the NCDF, the national organization with whom the BCCW is registered, yielded no results. Neither did a search for the word "cult" on the NCF website.
They must be taking great efforts to fly below our radar.
I emailed Eunice, the "founder", asking for help, but haven't yet received a reply.
So I called the Boone County Municipal Circuit Clerk, who gave me the number for the County Administrator (which is 815/547-4770, by the way), who transferred me to the Sheriff. Nobody admitted any connection to the BCCW.
The question now: what to do about it? I need your help!
Posted by
7:46 AM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Thursday, October 25, 2007
My Two Favorite Websites
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9:30 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
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A site feed is a machine-readable representation of your blog that can be picked up and displayed on other web sites and information aggregation tools.For further reading, check out the Feed, RSS, and Atom entries on Wikipedia.
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Posted by
7:27 PM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Insomnia Entry
Posted by
5:37 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Why Jesus Was NOT a Jew
Posted by
5:29 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!There are only two types of people in the world.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!In Defense of Climate Skepticism
I got a comment from Fris, who doesn't interact with the arguments that Crichton makes in the speech I cited. Rather, Fris brings up Crichton's fictional novel, State of Fear. Admitting that he has not yet read it, Fris says that he has
read several reviews of the book and deconstructions of [its] thesis.Fris cites one review of the book, found here. After an introduction, the review proceeds thusly:
As he intones in his epigraph, ''Footnotes are real.''I don't get it. If Crichton's citations refer to actual scientific publications, how are they not "real" footnotes?
But are they? Certainly Crichton's numerous citations refer to actual scientific publications. But in many cases, they also reference the work of scientists who accept the mainstream scientific view that human greenhouse gas emissions fuel global climate change.
(emphases mine)
As for the fact that many of the works cited are written by scientists who disagree with Crichton's conclusions, this is something he readily admits in the book. But think about it...
The fact that Crichton uses facts provided by legitimate scientists, many of whom happen to disagree with his conclusions, validates his citations, not undermines them!
And as for Crichton's conclusions, you should evaluate his arguments on your own. Don't doubt yourself and make a blunder out of fear.
The rest of the article is mediocre. If you want an even better criticism of Crichton's novel, try this one.
After, Fris cites the "Literary significance and criticism" section of the Wikipedia entry on the novel and calls it
pretty compelling.This section simply says that the novel
received strong criticism from climate scientists,[1][2][3][4][5] science journalists[6][7] and environmental groups[8][9]...What are we to be compelled to believe? It is a fact that the novel received those criticisms and that journalism award.
The novel received the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) 2006 Journalism Award.
State of Fear: Literary significance and criticism. (2007, October 21). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:49, October 24, 2007, Available online.
Then Fris cites his
Physicist friendswho are
not climatologistsbut, he assures us,
their minds have... a scientific bent and a genuine interest in the global climate change phenomenon.Fris testifies that they are
all of the opinion that evidence for the current global warming trend being inexorably linked to the activities of mankind is conclusive.Now, I appreciate the information that Fris' friends hold such an opinion, but I can only give so much weight to it when I calculate the net evidence on either side of the issue.
What would be more persuasive is if I could actually see the conclusive evidence that persuaded them in the first place, since I would then have the opportunity to evaluate it for myself.
It's just that with testimonies on either side of the issue I am simply forced to do my best to examine and evaluate the evidence and make up my own mind, even though I respect and weight the positions of others.
Fris concludes
My feeling is that State of Fear, like The Da Vinci Code has people taking fiction for fact. The difference being Dan Brown clearly states that his book is made up whereas Michael Crichton claims his is grounded in fact.Well, Crichton's fictional novel is just that, and he never denies it. But even his critics consent to the only factual claim he makes: that his footnotes reference genuine scientific articles.
Not that it's relevant to Global Warming, but I refer you to Wikipedia regarding Dan Brown's claims that his book is grounded in fact:
The book opens with the claim by Dan Brown that "The Priory of Sion- A European secret society founded in 1099- is a real organization" and that "all descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents [...] and secret rituals in this novel are accurate"; but this claim is disputed by almost all academic scholars in the fields the book discusses [10]. The Priory of Sion itself was not a real secret society established in 1099 but actually a hoax created in 1956 by a Mr. Pierre Plantard.
As widely noted in the media, there has been substantial confusion among readers about whether the book is factual. Numerous works have been published that explain in detail why any claim to accuracy is difficult to substantiate, while two lawsuits have been brought alleging plagiarism in The Da Vinci Code. The second, by the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail claiming textual infringement of copyright, was found in Dan Brown's favor.
Dan Brown himself dilutes the suggestion of some of the more controversial aspects being fact on his web site: "The "FACT" page makes no statement whatsoever about any of the ancient theories discussed by fictional characters. Interpreting those ideas is left to the reader." [11]. However, it also says that "these real elements are interpreted and debated by fictional characters", "it is my belief that some of the theories discussed by these characters may have merit." and "the secret behind The Da Vinci Code was too well documented and significant for me to dismiss." It is therefore entirely understandable why there would continue to be confusion as to what is the factual content of the book.
Brown's earlier statements about the accuracy of the historical information in his book, however, were far more strident. In 2003, while promoting his novel, he was asked in interviews what parts of the history in his novel actually happened. He replied "Absolutely all of it." In a 2003 interview with CNN's Martin Savidge he was again asked how much of the historical background was true. He replied, "99 percent is true ... the background is all true". Asked by Elizabeth Vargas in an ABC News special if the book would have been different if he had written it as non-fiction he replied, "I don't think it would have." [12] More recently Brown has avoided interviews and has been rather more circumspect about the accuracy of his claims in his few public statements. He has also, however, never retracted any of his earlier assertions that the history in the novel is accurate, despite substantial academic criticism of his claims.
The Da Vinci Code. (2007, October 23). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:40, October 24, 2007. Available online.
Posted by
9:37 AM
Blog Label: Global Warming
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!The Logos
If God is love, then Love is god.I thought it was pretty funny. And false.
I am in the middle of a large, self-structured reading campaign. My present project is W. V. O. Quine's Methods of Logic. I got to thinking this morning about something else The Evangelist says: God is logic ("logos" gets translated into our English "word"). There is a lot of cultural and textual context to this verse, but my simple reflection this morning is as follows:
When I am studying logic, I am studying God's nature.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that I am asserting that logic is God. Or that logic represents the full spectrum of God's nature. Love doesn't either. But both consist in God.
Posted by
6:47 AM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!The Theologian
In his Summa Theologica, he refers to Aristotle simply as "The Philosopher". Then he starts calling Paul (formerly Saul of Tarsus), simply "The Apostle". While I was reading it a while back, I began to wonder if he was ever going to reference John, and if so, what would his nickname be? Turns out he calls him "The Evangelist".
I always thought it would be cool to subtly reference Aquinas himself simply as "The Theologian". I doubt people would get it though.
Posted by
6:36 AM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A Handy Mac OS X Clipboard Tool
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4:45 PM
Blog Label: Tech Tips and News
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Global Group Think
You probably know Crichton for writing Jurassic Park or creating the TV show ER. But don't make the fallacy of thinking that a talented author/screenwriter/director/producer can't handle matters of science. Crichton has a doctorate from Harvard Medical School, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. His speech uses mostly published UN/IPCC data. Don't judge the man, judge the argument.
As of this date and time, I basically hold Crichton's views. Since I think he says it better than me, and this page is concise and covers most of the bases, I will let you read it for yourself.
Here it is.
Posted by
9:10 AM
Blog Label: Global Warming
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Don't tell me you don't know what Guitar Hero is.
That's rad.
Posted by
8:50 AM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Monday, October 22, 2007
Nasal and Aural Delight
And combined with the sounds of Dashboard's "The Rush" the experience puts me over the top. Climactic.
Oh wait - now I can smell some sort of comforting, softly spicy food being prepared off to my right. No joke: this is a really enjoyable time for me. Really.
Posted by
5:01 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Mother Teresa's Legacy
How humanizing.
Did she lack faith? Don Johnson absolutely nails it:
Christian faith is "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Heb. 11:1). At least two issues about this definition need to be addressed.I esteem Teresa's legacy, and it gives me inspiration to think that despite a shortcoming of 100% emotional and intellectual certainty, she evaluated the evidence and then played her cards. That is precisely what Jesus calls for. That is faith.
First, Christian faith is not an embrace of irrationality or lack of evidence. It is trusting, based on evidence already presented, that something will occur in the future (or has occurred in the past, in rare instances)...
Second, the mark of biblical faith is not one hundred percent emotional and intellectual certainty. It is obedience.
Don's article is worth the read. So is the Time one I guess. Your choice.
Posted by
1:43 PM
Blog Label: Foundations
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Quick question: is your Safari screwed up?
Posted by
1:04 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Dude, its cold here.
Posted by
1:01 PM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Ye Olde Calvin
-John Calvin
Posted by
10:54 AM
Blog Label: Miscellanea
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Sunday, October 21, 2007
Look what I can do...
Posted by
11:38 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Equine Cruelty
Honestly, you beat living horses? That's just sad.
Posted by
10:55 PM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Ye Olde Dashboard
I, for one, like it a lot. And I just discovered that it makes for an exemplary work-out mix.
Posted by
10:46 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Perspective
Posted by
10:44 PM
Blog Label: Think About It
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!2 + 2 Cambrian Explosion Links
Here are two links from the mainstream macroevolutionary perspective:
Public Broadcasting Service
Here are two links from the antimacroevolutionary perspective:
Discovery Institute
Answers in Genesis
Posted by
8:41 PM
Blog Label: The More You Know
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!I like romantic comedies.
So sue me.
Posted by
7:34 PM
Blog Label: The Little Things
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!How NOT to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Posted by
6:28 PM
Blog Label: Relationships
Technorati | | Furl | DiggIt! | Reddit | Stumble It!Saturday, October 20, 2007
You are all you've got.
You are all you've got in chess.Sometimes it's tempting to overestimate your opponent and make a blunder out of fear. But you should simply ask yourself what your opponent's plan is, and whether it is a good one. You have to analyze the game with the processing skills that you've got within your own mind, and trust your own conclusions, because you are all you've got.
Outside the game, you can talk to others. But is it really any different? You still have to process what they say. You have to process their arguments. You have to weight their testimonies according to a heuristic of your own design.
You are all you've got in life, too.
When my little sister Laura was really young, she would hold up her left hand and, showing three fingers on her right, she would sweep down four of the fingers on her left hand, saying:
Five, take away three is... one!Laura didn't understand how subtraction worked. When she first learned how to perform subtractive operations, it was only because she went through the steps and trusted that the conclusions were correct. It wasn't because she apprehended the concept with her mind.
Somebody sold her on the validity of a method of subtraction.
I experienced something similar as an adult. I had to do some calculus in a physical science lab. I was sold on the method. I performed the steps in the right order and confirmed the conclusion in the back of the book. And I trusted it. But I still don't fully grasp the genuine mathematical truths of each step. I don't really actually fully know why it is that such a list of steps produces the correct answer to a given problem.
I couldn't have invented calculus. I just trust that it is veridical if done properly.
I am sure Laura has since been able to fully grasp what is being represented when subtraction is performed. I am sure she now understands why 5 - 3 = 2 and not just that it is so.
But even still, hasn't she just been sold on the concept of subtraction?
Isn't it true that subtraction just somehow makes sense to her? She is capable of reason, but even reason is something she came to trust.
Think about it this way: there are some people who say that reason is their highest authority. Others disagree. But on what basis?
You are all you've got in life.
When evidence stacks up over your head on both sides of an argument, it's tempting to mistrust yourself, and make a blunder.
This makes me think. As the evidence in favor of a position builds, my certainty builds. But at what point should I start believing in something, if I cannot find a conclusive, sound, deductive argument for or against it? At what point do I reorient my life? At what point in the process do I start living as if it were true? It has to happen sometime. And it will happen when I feel satisfied that I have evaluated enough evidence.
What determines that threshold?
Have you ever had somebody explain something to you and they got so upset because you didn't just understand it and believe it at the first go-around? They thought it was so obvious - it was like simple math!
Why did you get it the second time?
All any of us can do is estimate the best fit lines through the stars.
Does this mean one should throw out reason?
For me, quite the contrary.
Posted by
6:08 PM
Blog Label: Foundations
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