Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Speed Up Your Mac: Two Easy, Free, Fast Ways

I use Monolingual from time to time to rid myself of OS and Application localizations (the foreign language elements that come with software, that you don't really need) and recover that tiny bit of speed and hard drive space. A word to the wise: be careful not to delete the localizations of certain Applications (like Adobe's), because some freak out and stop working. I am not responsible for how you use this or what happens.

I just found out about Service Scrubber, a free (donation suggested) little App that lets you easily customize your Service menu (Finder > Services). I just ran this thing, and it is a true gem. I never used to use my Service menu, because it was crowded with junk I don't need or want. I mean honestly "Chinese Text Converter"? Like I am going to use that on a daily basis!

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